Each year the street that our church is on has a neighborhood sale day. For several years now, we as a church have participated doing an outreach to those walking by the church for the yard sales. We give out free bottled water which is much appreciated on hot August days. But more importantly, we give out "Living Water" by giving out Gospel tracts and trying to get into spiritual conversations. A couple members from the church are members of the local Gideons, and they have joined with us to provide Gideon New Testaments anyone wanting one.
Today, I was able to get into several conversations. The first one of the day was with a nice retiree gentlemen named Edwin. It was sad to hear him tell me he drove bus for his church for 30 some years but yet had no clue how to answer the "Million Dollar" how to get to heaven question. Even with sharing the law and the gospel with him, I still don't know if he really got it. Pray for Edwin.
After the previous night with the teens at our open gym night where so many had no desire to talk, it was a joy and a previlege to talk to a young teen on a bike that was very interested in talking. Chris asked about the Million Dollar Question and went through the good person test with me. I could tell his mind was working and really thinking things through. He understood the court room analogies and said he would continue to think about our conversation. He left with a "million dollar bill", a "Why Christianity" booklet, and a Gideon's New Testament along with a thanks as he rode off on his bike.
Something new for me in sharing the Law and Gospel happened today was when I shared with a married couple. The guy was wearing a Vietnam Veteran cap. They were right with me as I asked about lying, stealing, and blasphemy. Really understanding their guilt. I then continued with asking about murder, getting ready to jump to the normal talk on how hatred is considered the same. Their instant answer was "no" but then something happened, they looked at each other indicated that he as a veteran had seen and been involved in some very difficult situations. It was clear that this was something he had been dealing with for a long long time. I shared that any of that done in service for our country was not the same. I thanked him for his service and was able to continue on to talk of judgment, destiny, concern, and ultimately the Gospel. They thanked me for the conversation and he reached out to shake my hand. I couldn't help but thank him again for his service to all of us.
My last conversation of the day was with David. He indicated that he didn't believe in heaven or hell or any religion. He would just "be buried and rot" I quizzed a bit and discovered he was forced to go to a catholic church as a child until he punched the priest for trying to push religion on him. "So David", I said, "are you going to punch me if I talk with you about Christianity?" I wasn't sure if his comment was a warning or just narrative on is background. Well he smile and said no but also clearly wasn't about to talk. So I asked if he would take a little booklet and read it, Ray Comfort's "Why Christianity". He said he would probably just rip it up when he got home but yet I still sensed that I need to give it to him. He took it and I tolded him that it was a short explaination of the world's religions and why Christianity was different. I said he could read it in maybe 20-30 minutes. "Not for me" was the reply, "I'm illiterate." I suggested that maybe, who I believe to be his wife and sister in law, could help him with it so he could understand. He thanked me and went on down the street. It was a hard one but not too hard for our Lord to reach. Please pray for David.
Until the Nets are Full,

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