My favorite local festival to witness at has to be Binghamton's Spiedie Fest and Hot Air Balloon Rally. ( This was the third year now that my church has participated. Since it is a balloon fest, we had blow up punching balloons to give out to the children and plenty of Gospel Tracts to any and all that would take them. Well over a 1000 tracts were give out including WOTM Million Dollar Bills, Big $100 bills, pink and blue curves, Evangelism Team's 3's & 7's. One thing that attracted people this year were the pressed pennies with the Ten Commandments on them. I quickly learned a quick 30 second witnessing presentation to run through from the moment anyone asked what they were. Beyond the tracts, we had several lengthy "one on one" or "one on group" witnessing conversations sharing the Law and the Gospel. Many were very greatful to have Christianity explained and most took the excellent "Why Christianity?" booklet from Ray Comfort at the conclusion of talking. I pray now that the seeds planted via tract or conversation will find good soil, will be watered, and that the LORD of the harvest will cause the seed to grow and be reaped for God's Glory and Honor alone.
Sue and Bekah Pumping Balloons

Jeremy All Set for the Crowds

Me witnessing to Brandon
Me sharing with a Lady interested in Pennies

The Lady in the bottle costume came looking
for the guy with the MDB. She couldn't read
it through the face meshing so she asked me
to read it to her. Never witnessed to a bottle
of marinade before.

One group of guys that came back looking for
more million dollar bills. Of course I made sure
to get more they needed to talk to me about
the Million Dollar Question. The conversation
went really well and they wanted the Why
Christianity booklets to read more. Pray for
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